Announcing ASA’s new Summer Class,
“Bushcraft 101!”
A Wildly Engaging Outdoor Program Unlike Any Other.

Get Out in the Wild With Steffan!
A true adventure enthusiast, Steffan is a local woodsman and grew up exploring 100 acres of his hometown in Scottsville. A hunting guide in New Mexico for three years, Steffan navigated 3 million acres of public lands, surviving harsh climates and scarce resources. He is first and foremost a devoted husband and hands on father to two adorable children enrolling at ASA this Fall!
Explore local parks, source emergency medicine, discover unique flora and track fauna.
Each week, students will learn a critical life skill to develop their steadfast resourcefulness and safely engage with nature in a fun and social outdoor environment.
Topics covered:
- Water
- Foraging
- Tracking
- Orienteering
- Shelter
- First Aide
- Apothecary
- Energy
- Nature Art

Budding nature enthusiasts will design and use practical application of materials to create canopies, water filtration systems, light catchers, insect shelters and more!

There is no shortage of inspiration with rotating park meetup locations.
While the daily line up will be distributed after registration, here is a list of the locations we plan to explore:
- Mendon Ponds Park
- Black Creek Park
- Oatka Creek Park
- Powder Mills Park
- Northampton Park
- Churchville Park
- Greece Canal Park
- Ellison Park
- Tinker Park
- Meridian Park
Memorable lessons will challenge and excite our rangers in training. They will also spend the day playing and exploring with fun activities to keep them entertained for hours!
A detailed overview will be provided to registered families. Lessons include:
- How to find water and dew collection
- Water filtration and purification
- Group hikes
- Plant and tree identification
- Tinctures and teas
- Metal detecting
- Colorful scavenger hunt
- Animal tracking
- Setting traps
- Bee keeping
- Seed collection
- Orienteering
- Making tools and ropes
- Tying knots
- Different shelters
- Treating wounds and bites
- Solar energy cooking
- Nature masks and camouflage
- Biomimicry and emerging technologies
- Fibonacci sequence and patterns
- ….and so much more!