
Private Membership Association

Private Membership Association

In a time of rapidly changing laws and politics, a properly formed Private Membership offers stability and assurance to the members of American Seekers Academy by securing their children’s access to a classical education while operating free from the rules and regulations of local, state, and federal governments. At ASA, medical freedom is respected and upheld. In 2019, NYS removed religious and philosophical exemptions, requiring every student attending public, private or charter school and even those enrolling in daycare and preschools to be vaccinated. With ASA’s innovative model for classical education, learning happens beyond the boundaries of the traditional government funded institution allowing families to make their own choices and our doors to remain open.

“By decentralizing education, the power goes back to the parents.”

From forced face masks to mandatory vaccinations, parents’ rights are being infringed upon and children have suffered as a result. A PMA is the surest way to maintain consistent in person instruction of time-tested curriculum by operating solely independent of government funding. Not only has this model been created as a matter of survival in today’s political and ideological indoctrination, but is also a competitive necessity.


  • Is a Private Membership Association consisting of men and women collectively asserting and standing upon their secured perfect rights to assemble and associate.
  • Establishes legal status to protect a member’s pre-existing claim to absolute authority and control over the health of their own children’s body, mind and spirit.
  • Functions in the private domain separate from government rules and regulations.
  • Was upheld in the Supreme Court describing the right to associate as inseparable from the right to free speech with constitutional protections under the First and Fourteenth Amendment.

Can only be restricted if – “justified by clear public interest, threatened not doubtfully or remotely, but by clear and present danger.”

Thomas, 323 U.S. at 531